Joel V.

A father and United States Marine, Joel V. is the Vice President of Technology at Heart of an Ace organization. He oversees the organization’s technology-related operations and provides intuitive solutions to meet the high demand of a US-based non-profit organization with an international presence.  

Like other active-duty members who extended their service beyond their military uniform, Joel entered the non-profit community offering his military skills to assist with the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and Europe. Joel is an active-duty Marine and a Purple Heart Medal recipient that brings over 12 years of military operations and intelligence experience to Heart of an Ace. Inspired by his father's 30 years of selfless service as a firefighter and paramedic, Joel strives to follow his father’s sacrifice by helping at-risk and vulnerable communities domestically and internationally. His devotion to his calling allows him to design and implement digital solutions, meeting organizational needs with a steadfast commitment to coordination, integration affordability, and ease of use for the teams operating in Afghanistan and Ukraine.

A native of Texas, Joel has four beautiful children, one daughter and three sons. He enjoys continuous education, garage mechanics, and family time.

He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Homeland Security from the American Public University System. Upon completing his thesis in 2023, Joel will earn a Master of Science and Technology Intelligence from the National Intelligence University.