“Education is the “key” to breaking out of poverty cycle” - UNICEF, 2017
A unique school where homeless and street begging/working children get basic education
Our organization is calling for donations to
Save The School
from shutdown
This special school deserves the world’s attention, where dedicated teachers educate those who are not able to attend in public schools; homeless and street begging/working children of Kabul.
These children belong to families who live in extreme poverty. Families who are not able to provide food for their children and freezing (often to death) in the winter
The teachers believe education is essential and without it, their students will never have the opportunity to break out from extreme poverty, get out from working/begging on the streets
Notwithstanding that they are unpaid, they teach their students how to read, write, calculate but also giving classes of literature, history and physics. Currently 45 girls and boys are receiving education for few hours a day but this number is increasing rapidly due to the humanitarian disaster
“I am not giving up on teaching my students. I will sit next to them on the street and giving them classes there, if I have to” - Ahmad, teacher
This centre was financially supported by the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and after its fall in August, 2021 this support was cut off
The teachers are not able to pay the rent of the building without support and they have not been receiving any salary for 1.5 years. Due to the missing fund, the school’s equipment became poorer and the condition of education and learning became difficult.
The teachers have received a warning, they are going to be shutdown due to the debt and the inability to keep paying the renting cost
Our main goals are
Prevent the shutdown of the school and keep providing education for these children who live in extreme poverty
Improve the condition of the school by providing equipment, supporting the teachers and easing the hunger of the children
By the donation of our partner - Allied Extract non-profit organization, we were able to provide
To all students
School equipment: school bag, books, pencils, pens, rulers, exercise books etc
One meal a day for 2 months
To improve the condition of the school;
They received new chairs, white boards, printer and office materials
The debt was acquitted and 3 months of renting and electricity costs were paid
We still have a long way ahead
To keep this school operating, we would like to keep paying the rent of the building - $2000
These children spend hours a day on the streets working and we would like to buy heaters (coals and wood) for the school for the next winter -$1000
For the teachers; since they have no income we would like to provide a monthly food package for 7 teachers as a salary (food for work) - $14 000
To ease the hunger of the children we would like to keep providing one meal per day for the students in the school - $12 000
We would like to buy used computers for the school to be able to teach basic computer skills to the students - $1000
We would like to give them some time to be a child, cover financially a rent of a football hall for the winter time period (two hours per week - 5 months) and football equipment - $500
One day without feeling hungry, without working / begging on the streets
- just having joy
- organized by Heart of an Ace
During our visit in this school, we had a chance to meet and talk to these children. To know more about them, how they live and what they would like to become. There was one thing what they all missed; playing soccer/football.
We gave them one day when they could have been just children. Their wish was to be able to become Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Dybala, Rooney, Neymar Jr and other famous soccer/football players, just for one day
Please meet the team of the school
We provided them food, which most of them hadn’t had for days before
Together with your help
These children can keep receiving basic education, having one meal a day and once a week, playing like other children
Together with your help
These children will have the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty
For more information about this project, please contact our manager of special programs - Ivett Zsuro-Luz
Within the donation procedure, please write "Save the school project" into the Additional Information option