Children’s Hospital - Ghor Province Afghanistan
167 children die daily from preventable diseases in Afghanistan - UNICEF
The health care system in Afghanistan is at the brink of a collapse, hospitals are lack of medical equipment, basic medicines and professional staff
The main children’s hospital in Ghor province has reached a dangerous state due to the lack of critical equipment - “Nothing we can do but watch babies die”
Read more about the condition of the Children’s Hospital of Ghor province
Helpless doctors and nurses watch babies and small children die because the hospital has no essential medical equipment
In close cooperation with the director of the Children’s Hospital of Ghor province, we are calling for donations to be able to buy basic equipment to save children’s lives
Please join us and donate
During the donation process please add Children’s Hospital Ghor into the “Additional Information” step
For questions or more information please contact our special program manager
- Ivett Zsuro-Luz eve@heartofanace.org